Second Opinion Clinical Assessments
We have a network of doctors around the country and our network keeps growing. Whenever the need arises to have a second opinion, we are correctly placed to schedule an appointment for the consultation and facilitate all processes till the conclusion of the consultation. We do not get involved in the treatment but hold the client's hand in providing a support services throughout the process.
Often the need to seek a second opinion comes up. We assist those that have the need to seek a specialist opinion find one from an independent one.
We have a team of professionals that are enabled through the use of electronic health record systems, allowing them to quickly make an informed diagnosis, treat yyou timeously and make the neccessary followup, all this without leaving the comfort of your home. We have innovated that much and continue to do so for our chronic patients and new patients.
General Medical Online Consultations
We have robust technologies that allow for the Online Consultations to be conducted professionally and confidentially.
Executive Health Consultations
Your Executives are your success in the corporate journey. Let us look after their health and ensure successful business.
Through our Mobile Health Assessments team, we provide Executive Health Assessments services. We come to your office and provide all services one on one. Our extensive network of Psychologists and Nursing services is alway at hand to provide the support needed to ensure that your business is led by a health team of executives.
We approach health services delivery in the best possible manner that encompasses the entire health service value chain. We promote health through proper advice and prevention plans, support the client throguh the difficult times during treatment interventions and rehabilitate the patient to full function if the need ariises.
Comprehensive Wellness Services
Comprehensive Health involves the review of the whole health life cycle, from prevention to support at all times when needed.