We have a team of Occupational Medicine experts that enhance value to the responsible employer by providing support from Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments, the implementantion of a Health and Safety Management System till the employee life cycle is completed. We partner with employers to advice them wholistically on employee health and wellbeing, assist in advicing employers on the process of anaging medical incapacity in the workplace and CCMA Medical Expert appearances. As an employer, there is no more a need to be alone during times when advice is crucial! We will handle the Occupational Injuries or Diseases claims for your company till conclusion. All you need to do is to contract with us and let us do what we are best at!
Occupational Medicine Services
Being aligned with Compensation Systems, our services extend to the employer and employees for workplace assessments
Executive Medical Assessments
Your Executives are your success in the corporate journey. Let us look after their health and ensure successful business.
Through our Occupational Health Assessments team, we provide Executive Health Assessments services. We come to your office and provide all services one on one. Our extensive network of Psychologists and Nursing services is alway at hand to provide the support needed to ensure that your business is led by a health team of executives.
The Employment of people with disabilities in the workplace is often not utilized effectively to create value in the supply chain. We provide services to the industry wherein each employee who is having a debilitating condition is assessed online and after the same employee has made a declaration of impairment. These assessments are then profiled and a certificate of disability issued by the relevant doctor. Consent and all other administrative issues is taken care of online and using latest convergent technology.
EEA Disabilities Declarations
Our Online Disability Declarations Services allow for the Declarations Signed off by a Medical Doctor
Risk Assessments and Health Risk Advisory
Conducting Risk Assessments through walk-throughs and occupational hygienist partnering ensures that the workplace is kept updated on the inherent risks. Not only do we conduct the risk assessment, but we assist in having the results understood and implemented across the entire workspace with great buyin form all stakeholders. The resultan OREP and Medical Surveillance is thus easy to audit going forwards.
The demands that the OHSA imposes on the employer can be easily overcome through coorect partnering and application post assessment.
We use state of art technology to have the employer report injuries without necesarily having to complete paperwork manually. All employers registered with us are able to reciv this service but only if they are signed up. Our reporting services will generate the Employer's Report of an Injury or disease and submit it via emai to your provincial office. A copy of the form report will be sent to you via the registered email. Only employees registered with your company can have submission made against their names. If not registered, they will need to be registered under your company first.
Report Injuries Or Diseases Online
Upon registering as an Employer, you will receive the necessary links to register your employees within our system. Only after the employee has been registered will they appear on the database.