Whether due to Medical Neglicence or Road Accident, you need a team of experts on your side
Preliminary Medico-Legal Assessments
From moment of RAF, Medical Negligence claim opening, we become your medical desk handlers.
Once a decison has been made to accept a medico-legal case, bring the whole file to us and we will handle all the work. We assess whether the case is major or minor or even whether a medical assessment is a necessity for the claim. We organise and support your team during joint minutes consultations and provide the appropriately qualified expert for such. The decision to proceed along a particular strategic path remains entirely yours, but we advice you accordingly. Whilst Specialist Clinicians are a mandatory pre-requisite, have you considered the role of an Independent Rater as part of the joint minute session? Let us show you how value can be drawn from including the independent rator in the process
Our research has indicated that most Attorneys handling personal injuries, medical negligence and other medico-legal work, spend exorbitant amounts seeking a high disability rating. Most of the reports issued by medical specialists, either do not have a Whole Person Impairment, or if there, it is incorrectly calculated, or even have multiple WPI values that have not been consolidated. Our intermediary services ensures that there is coordinated and consolidated WPI having only referred to inhouse specialists that are the most relevant. This, saves you money! All our specialists are linked to an expert rater at all times.
Specialists & Experts Intermediary
We just do not only handle the logistics, but we advice you on which specialists are needed, thus creating value! We are Medical Expert and Specialists.
Medical Accidents Reconstruction
Often the family is interested in knowing what happened. The measures of the intervention efficiencies can also be ascertained. This, we do in order to get to the root cause of the matter.
In order to ascertain the cause of the problem, a full case review is done. With the assistance of various professionals that we have in our panel, a reconstruction is done. This takes various forms and analytics to achieve a highly reliable report. Using this report, the families and or patient might be able to come to terms with the actuall events as they unfolded, or the employer mamy use the information gained to put checks and balances into place that will ensure a contineous improvement process to the way decisions and information is handled and processed. The purpose of this exercise is to elucidate the root cause of the problem and not to apportion blame.
Often the assessing specialist may not have the adequate knowledge in the rating impairments. This is no indicment in the speacialist as the rating process is time consuming and may lead to errors if not properly applied. Moreover the rules applied in an AMA Guides assessment methodology need not be broken for the assessment to be valid. This, may cause challenges if the specialists used have not appplied the ratings properly. We also extend this services to lawfirms that have specialist reports but no whole person impairment percentages linked to them. Whether these are old cases backlog or new cases, we will ensure that a whole person impairment rating is correctly done on these case reports.
Clinical Specialists Co-Rating Services
When the specialists use in the case have no formal training in the Whole Person Impairment rating process, we cooperate and rate thier findiings.
Medico-Legal Assessments
Medical Assessments, Quantification of impairment, disability and apportioning liability for RAF, COIDA (WCA) and Insurance Claims.
Whether the claim is handled by the Road Accident Fund or the Compensation Fund (WCA), an assessment must be done to have the impairment/disability quantified. This is done in Whole Person Impairment percentages. We carry out the assessments in line with the AMA Guidelines to Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition. Our team is led by the Accredited Assessor who facilitates impairment evaluations as a Trainer and has trained experts and medical specialists all under one roof. All assessment are done in a single sitting thus preventing multiple visits for assessment. Reports are issued and accessible within seven days of assessment.